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Re-reading of Classical Tamil Literary Works Chronicles of Ancient Tamil's Life

Price: 280.00

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180.00 gms
Sangam  classical  literature is the  basis  for  the restoration of Tamil mythification  and  identity. In a nutshell, classical Tamil literature forms  the  basis for the restoration of Tamil antiquity and identity. The essays  in  this  book  are  the  resultant  of  a re-reading of  the classical  Tamil  works, through  the  critical  approach  imparted  by post-modernism. The alternate critical approach of this book rendered  to the interpretations that have so far been traditionally uttered  by  scholars may  be irritants to  some  people. There is a possibility  that  these  articles could provide some insight into classical Tamil literature for those who have some  extent  of  literary  interest. These research articles  in  this  book  may  remove  the  tight-fitting  glazes  that  have been  built  in  the  view  point  of  the traditional  way  and  to  find  out  a way  to  approach  the Sangam classics  from a  new  perspective.
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